5th June 2018
Thank you to Swyn and Alys-Myfanwy who recently made their final donation to the milk bank. Also pictured is Swyn’s mum Mair (bottom left) who has been amazing throughout Swyn’s baby journey and fantastic milk bank volunteer Karen (bottom right) who regularly collects milk from families across the north.
“I started donating when my daughter was 3 months, right up to 9 months. I’m proud to have been able to give the time to express and freeze mama milk. Me and my baby daughter make a good team, it was beautiful to see how patient she was when I needed to express before or after her feed, or when I needed to go downstairs at midnight to sterilise equipment. Doesn’t work for everyone to express but it did for us, so glad we knew about the milk bank. Hope our milk helps others soon!”
“I decided to donate because I wanted to give back to the breastfeeding world, and all the support I had received from the hospital and breastfeeding groups. Baby was full term so didn’t need donor milk, but I had issues with feeding initially, it didn’t come naturally, baby had tongue tie and I was panicking about understanding the science of it. I had to express in hospital due to sudden loss of weight. But once we were home, with the support I learnt to relax and have a good attachment and positioning, and just let baby lead the way, and not think too much into it. So glad we persevered because baby is still getting mama milk and we are able to share our Liquid Gold!”