
4th December 2017

Kayliegh for website

At the start of my breastfeeding journey 4 years ago my newborn had difficulties staying latched on with his tongue tie, I also had a slight oversupply and my baby suffered from colic. I was at a breastfeeding group when a volunteer passed me a leaflet. When I received this I looked more into donating. I am a neonatal nurse working in the Liverpool Women’s Hospital caring for very premature babies who rely on this milk so I’ve seen first hand the essential and life saving uses donor milk is to these very small and sick babies. So that’s when I started expressing almost once daily and continued to do so for 9 months. I got in a little routine of expressing. I loved donating and it was easy for me to do but gave me immense satisfaction that I could help others without really being any effort to me. It also benefited me during the first few months when donating my over supply of milk helped my baby to latch on well and helped with his colic symptoms. Then 21 months later I started again and expressed for another 9 months with my baby girl.