
4th March 2015

I knew that I wanted to breastfed before I had Harry and was so determined to make it work we have fought with tongue tie and we are still battling with a lip tie which is due to be cut later on this year. As I had to pump so early on (badly damaged due to tongue tie) I knew I had a good supply and had milk to spare so decided to donate to the milk bank as I know it will make such a difference to the premature babies in hospital. I am truly humbled at the fact I get to make such a big difference to some really poorly babies and give them the best possible chance, nothing comes close to the sense of achievement you feel when you see the milk you have donated laid out in front of you. I was lucky Harry was not premature or poorly yet I would hate to think of my Harry being so vulnerable at the beginning of his life and not be able to have the best most compatible milk for his tummy. It really only takes 10minutes and I find if I do it of an afternoon I can usually get enough for the bank and a small amount for myself to freeze.