Our Supporters
Over the years, the Milk Bank has received support far and wide from many wonderful people who have either donated milk, raised money or donated their time in helping us to continue with our very special service for sick and premature babies.
We are so grateful to all of you!
You could help by spreading the word about the Milk Bank at Chester – telling your friends about us and sharing our social media posts. Or could you help by taking our flyers to breastfeeding groups, playcentres, local attractions, cafes, anywhere that families visit? If so please get in touch and we’ll send you some flyers.
Or you could help by fundraising or making a financial donation through our Just Giving at https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/milkbankatchester or by texting BANK64 followed by the amount you’d like to give to 70070.
Some examples of how your financial donation could help:
Purchasing new equipment such as fridges and freezers
Helping to implement a new bar coding system for donor milk
Providing leaflets and posters to raise awareness of the service
Supporting memory making opportunities or breast pump hire for bereaved families