Memory Milk Gift Advisory Panel
Memory Milk Gift believes that every bereaved family across the UK should be offered the opportunity to donate milk in memory of their baby. As we work to achieve this goal and lower barriers associated with donation after loss, we recognise that demand for the service will grow.
We fully committed to ensuring that families who both have and haven’t been offered this opportunity continue to have a voice and guide us in how to deliver the best service that we can at the worst of times.
Alongside working with families, we are also aware of the importance of having a multi-disciplinary team within the initiative. We are delighted to announce the introduction of the
Memory Milk Gift Advisory Panel
- Professor Nick Embleton – Consultant Neonatologist, Newcastle Upon Tyne
- Dr Kathy Smith – GP and previous donor to MBAC
- Sara Balmforth – Perinatal Midwife Forget Me Not Children’s hospital
- Alex Mancini-Smith National Lead Nurse for Neonatal Palliative Care
- Sharon Breward MBE QN Infant Feeding Coordinator for Betsi Cadwaladr health board
- Philippa Davies – CEO and founder of Our Sam baby loss charity
- Debbie Barnett MBE – Coordinator of Milk Bank Scotland and Lead of Memory Milk Gift Scotland