Lynda Coulter visits Scottish Parliament
12th December 2010
Lynda was recently invited to attend a meeting in the Scottish Parliament where a motion was heard in support of Human Milk Banking in Scotland.
“Ken Macintosh (Eastwood) ( Lab) congratulates the greater Glasgow and Clyde Donor Milk Bank for its work on improving the health of some of Scotland’s most vulnerable infants; considers that breast milk is the recommended form of nutrition for all infants, particularly for those born preterm; acknowledges the benefits of breast milk, including earlier tolerance of enteral feeds, a reduced risk of infection and a reduction in necrotising enterocolitis, considered one of the most serious conditions affecting sick and premature infants; appreciates that mothers who give birth before 32 weeks gestation, have multiple births or have medical complications may have more difficulty producing their own breast milk for a number of physiological reasons and that the short term provision of donor milk can offer a suitable alternative for their infants; applauds the work of all of those who have supported Scotland’s only Donor Milk Bank, and asks ministers, members of the NHS Boards across Scotland to further explore the benefits of this approach for high risk infants”.
The event was attended by health professionals from all over Scotland as well as a family whose babies were recipients of donor breast milk.